Монитор пациента Mindray VS 9



Patient Monitor Mindray VS 9

With the features and options of the VS9, it is possible to perform spot checks and continuous monitoring of vital signs to help clinicians get a complete picture of a patient's health. The monitor features a 10.1-inch touchscreen display and a host of intuitive tools to help clinicians streamline workflow, reduce input errors, improve treatment outcomes, and increase patient satisfaction.


  • monitor parameters allow for non-invasive blood pressure measurement, pulse oximetry and versatile temperature measurements
  • check patient information and store up to 5000 measurements accessible by patient ID
  • Standard Modified Early Warning Scale (MEWS) offers clinical decision support
  • improve clinical research with customizable workflows
  • monitor patients centrally with connection to the BeneVision monitoring system
  • The monitor is made of durable materials
  • Easy to use


  • TrueBP™ quickly measures blood pressure when inflated in about 15 seconds.
  • The BP averaging function allows you to get the average value of BP over a specified time.
  • Orthostatic BP helps assess the risk of a patient collapsing.
  • Adjustment of up to 30 parameters such as respiratory rate, glucose level and height.
  • Manual, automatic, and custom NIBP measurement modes provide flexibility for a variety of clinical applications.
  • Wired or wireless configurations available with Bluetooth connectivity