Док-станция Mindray BeneFusion DS5 Basic



Mindray BeneFusion DS5 Basic

Bedside station combining from 2 to 24 infusion and syringe pumps. The pumps are easily installed into the slots by hand, without additional tools. It is enough to insert them until they click, and they will be connected to both the power supply and the data exchange.

Areas of use


  • in surgical departments in the treatment of patients in the postoperative period and anesthesia
  • during intensive care in intensive care and combustiology
  • in oncology for the administration of painkillers with a certain frequency
  • in the departments of narcology for the treatment of deep intoxication
  • in neonatology and obstetrics when introducing small precise doses to newborns
  • in veterinary medicine, when an infusion is performed on debilitated and dehydrated animals



  • One power cord. The built-in power cord and infusion tube stowage system allows the device to be placed more compactly near the bed, avoiding the clinical risks associated with tangled wires, and keeps the ward clean and tidy.
  • Slot construction. Combination of infusion systems in any combination from 2 to 12 pumps.
  • Flexibility. BeneFusion DS5 Basic can be mounted on an IV stand, beds, table, horizontal and vertical clips, providing versatility in clinical practice.